Our Causes

I ask for the priviledge of not being born
until you can assure me of a home
and a master to protect me, and the right
to live as long as I am physically able to
enjoy life...not to be born until my body
is precious and men have ceased to exploit it
because it is cheap and plentiful."
~author unknown~
Indoor Vs Outdoors
"Keeping our Pets out of Danger"
(We are their protectors)
Along life's highway, our destiny is determined by the personal choices that we make on the way. Not so for our beloved family pets, who place their trust solely in us as their owners and their protectors to keep them healthy, happy and above all safe!
The great outdoors may appear very attractive to your feline and canine friends but the dangers and threats that it poses are just too greater risk to take:
No neighbourhood is immune from these dangers. Give your cat or dog a long, safe and happy life - indoors and confined to your home.
Spay or Neuter
Pet overpopulation is real. It exists. And it affects each of us. Only we have the power to do something to stop this growing problem. It has already reached extraordinary proportions. Something must be done to stop the needless suffering of our pets.
"Five Good Reasons"
Spaying or neutering increases your pet's chances for a longer, healthier life.
An altered cat or dog is a better pet for your family.
No family wants to cope with an unwanted pregnancy.
Spaying and neutering results in a cleaner pet for your home.
You are helping to alleviate the cat and dog overpopulation problem.
"Five not so good Myths"
There are no health benefits to desexing.
My pet is too young and should have a litter first
Desexing will change my pets personality
They don't need to be desexed if they stay indoors.
Desexing is too expensive.